Wednesday, July 4, 2018

All about Motion!

Motion is a change in position of an object over time. 

Motion is mathematically described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, time, and speed. ...

Motion is a part of our everyday lives. You often hear people saying how fast a formula one car
moves. They appreciate a physical quantity called speed. Speed is how fast an object moves.

Motion is typically described in terms of displacement, distance (scalar), velocity, acceleration, time and speed. A motion of a body is observed by attaching a frame of reference to an observer and measuring the change in position of the body relative to that frame.
As there is no absolute frame of reference, absolute motion cannot be determined. Thus, everything in the universe can be considered to be moving.

Frame of reference?

There are two types of Inertial frame of reference & Non-Inertial frame of reference  
Things can be easily learned using Examples so...
If the vehicle is not accelerating, the passenger is in an inertial frame of reference. This is because no acceleration means your velocity is constant. If the vehicle is accelerating, the passenger is now in a non-inertial frame of reference.

There are different types of motion:

  1.  Linear motion
  2. Circular motion
  3. Oscillatory motion

Linear Motion

A kind of motion in which a body is moving in a straight line path with no change in its speed.
Its acceleration is fixed at the balls in the above image 

Circular Motion

As the name suggests circular motion we get an idea that things will be in a form of circles or sort of like that ...
Uniform motion can be defined as the motion of a body following a circular path at a constant speed. The body has a fixed central point and remains equidistant from it at any given position.
The speed of the ball is constant. It traces a circle with a fixed center. At every point of its motion, the ball changes its direction. Therefore, we can say that in order to stay on a circular path, the ball has to change its direction continuously.

Oscillatory motion

Oscillatory motion can be termed as the repeated motion in which an object repeats the same movement over and over. In the absence of friction, the oscillatory motion would continue forever; but in the real world, the system eventually settles into equilibrium after some time.
But why it settle? 
Cause here friction come into presence due to which its stops like a simple pendulum
The body (ball) is attached to a string and the string is attached to a rigid support (wall). Now let say that when in the initial stage the body is in equilibrium means at position O
Then it is pushed or brought towards position A  and leave from there it will again come back to position O and then will move towards position B And then again to Position O then Athen O then B
but after some time it will lose its velocity and then slowly and steadily it will come back to equilibrium due to friction

Where friction Works?
In this case, friction can be air or the point where the string is attached to the wall.
Friction is just an opposing force  

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